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M70-201 Online Practice Questions and Answers

Questions 4

You are creating a custom CMS module named Achme_Cms.

Which one of the following is the correct XML required to override a controller from the Mage_Cms module in your Achme_Cms module?

A. B. C. D.

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Questions 5

Which table is used for calculating a new increment ID for an order?

A. sales_flat_order_increment

B. eav_entity_store

C. core_increment

D. core_config_data

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Questions 6

Which three of the following statements accurately describe differences between EAV and Flat catalogs when accessing child categories of a category? (Choose three)

A. A different method must be used to get the child categories if flat catalog is enabled.

B. The type of the results differs between EAV and flat catalog.

C. Results also include children of children if flat catalog is enabled.

D. Results contain more information for each child if flat catalog is disabled.

E. The children's IDs of EAV and Flat tables are different.

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Questions 7

Which module is responsible for Store Credit functionality in the native Magento?

A. Enterprise/StoreCredit

B. Enterprise/CustomerBalance

C. Enterprise/Sales

D. Enterprise/Customer

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Questions 8

Given a grid interface that extends from Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid, which of the following methods could you override to allow data to be loaded from a custom data collection?

A. _prepareDataModel

B. _prepareCollection

C. _initDataModel

D. _initGrid

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Questions 9

What can you do in order to render a picture in a specific cell in a grid?

A. Create a custom cell renderer by extending Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid_Cell_Renderer_Abstract

B. Create a custom grid renderer by extending Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid_Renderer_Abstract

C. Create a custom column renderer by extending Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid_Column_Renderer_Abstract

D. Create a custom row renderer by extending Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid_Row_Renderer_Abstract

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Questions 10

What is the xpath to the list of product types?

A. Catalog/product/type

B. Global/catalog/product/type

C. Default/catalog/product/type

D. It depends on the product type.

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Questions 11

At what point in the grid preparation and rendering process is the collection containing the data for the grid prepared for loading?

A. Immediately after the grid block is instantiated

B. Immediately before the grid's rendered HTML is sent to the browser

C. Prior to the grid being rendered, inside of _beforeToHtml

D. When the _construct method is called on the grid block

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Questions 12

A native Magento EAV entity will use .

A. A single table with separate columns for each data type (for instance, decimal, text, varchar, etc.)

B. A single table with separate columns for all data types used by the entity

C. A separate table for each data type (for instance, decimal, text, varchar, etc.)

D. A separate table for each data type in addition to a flat data table with separate columns to store values for each data type used by the entity

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Questions 13

Which statement describes a model class that extends Mage_Core_Model_Abstract?

A. The model class consists of properties and methods for storing and manipulating data retrieved via separate resource classes responsible for database operations.

B. The model class is responsible for loading the frontend layout templates and responding to page requests via its Action methods (for example, indexAction).

C. The model class does not encapsulate any logic except for logic providing access to the data loaded from the database.

D. The model class is primarily responsible for direct query operations such as retrieving and storing data and then rendering that data to the frontend view.

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Exam Code: M70-201
Exam Name: Magento Certified Developer Plus Exam
Last Update: May 07, 2024
Questions: 136 Q&As





